Legal Stuff
- We, along with literally every website on the internet, use cookies. We don't use them for ads or malicious content, we use them to make
sure the site works properly.
- You are welcome to use and link to the content on our site under certain conditions. 1. You may not modify, or attempt to modify,
the content in any way. This includes removing our branding. Where branding (the NMS Logo or similar) is not present, you must provide a
link to the content on our site. NMS reserves the right to revoke your right to use at any time without prior notice or warning. 2. You must not pass
off our content as your own. As stated above, do not remove our branding from our content or otherwise damage it.
- NMS does not own, or claim to own the rights to the "Ceefax" name, logo or format.
- The content of external sites linked to by this site are often outside of our control. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the
content of external sites
- The code of the website itself is our intellectual property.
- This legal agreement is also our intellectual property, however stupid and useless it may be. We recommend you get a proper legal thing
from someone who knows legal stuff